Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Reading response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25

Reading response - Essay Example Such portraits provided a chance for an individual to self-express and self-seek (Rosen 866). However, there has been a drastic change in form of self-expression. The change has occurred through emergence of numerous social sites. The most common social sites are listed as MySpace and Facebook. The sites offer an opportunity for the viewers to look at individual life as well as offer comments on such life expressed through online community (Rosen 866). As a result, the author notes that these sites are used by individuals mostly to get attention. On the other hand, the author provides a history perspective of the online social networks. These networks are shown to change and emerge as time progresses. The earliest online social networks are listed as the Bulletin Board systems said to have started in 1980,s (Rosen 867). The network provided a platform for users to send public messages, send and receive private messages, as well as exchange of software (Rosen 867). However, more pronounces social sites emerged in the 21st century. Such sites include Friendster, MySpace, and Facebook. The sites attracted millions of uses in this era. Other social sites are expected to emerge in the future. On the other hand, social sites are shown to play various roles in the society. First, the sites have been shown to provide an opportunity for those that make it in life to get attention. Moreover, the sites have also laid a platform for advertisers to market their products such as record labels and film studios (Rosen 868). These sites are also shown to play a significant role in politics. Politicians are shown to use sites to enlist followers and express their policies. Additionally, the author offers a comparative analysis of the popular social sites. The most popular are shown to be MySpace and Facebook. The sites are shown to be simple in setting online identity (Rosen 869). On the other hand, majority of Americans are shown to be a heavy

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